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Line One

Benefits of Working Remotely

Updated: Nov 14, 2023

With more businesses than ever adopting work-from-home or hybrid arrangements for their employees, many industry sectors are noting positive impacts of working remotely. The effects of the pandemic have changed the way businesses operate, and the work from home model is showing positive advantages for both organizations and their employees.

Business Benefits of Working Remotely

While some businesses allowed employees to work from home prior to 2020, recent changes in the corporate landscape forced many companies to pivot their business models to enable employees to work from home long-term. As a result, businesses worldwide have experienced numerous benefits, including:

  • Happier employees: Working day-to-day in an office can be taxing for staff—from long commutes and office politics to unnecessary meetings and micromanagement. Allowing staff to work from home reduces their stress, improves their work-life balance, and allows them to focus and concentrate on their work without the distractions of a physical office.

  • Increased productivity: A more contented workforce naturally results in improved productivity. Video conferencing, collaborative workspaces, and online meetings have streamlined communications in many sectors, giving more time back to employees to complete their tasks and maintain a high standard of quality.

  • Lower operating costs: Moving to a work-from-home model allows businesses to save money on office space rent, utilities, office supplies, corporate events, and social functions. The cost savings are so great that some organizations offer incentives or monthly stipends for employees who choose to work from home.

Employee Benefits of Working Remotely

The ability to work from home wasn’t an option for most office workers prior to 2020. However, when businesses had no other choice but to allow a portion (or all) of their workforce to work from home, employees discovered the many benefits of working remotely, including:

  • Improved quality of life: Working remotely reduces the stressors of a daily commute and working in close proximity to many other people with various personalities. It also reduces "sick time" because employees don't have to call in sick when they don't feel up to being in the office but are still able to work.

  • Money savings: Working remotely eliminates the need to commute, as well as the need to buy daily coffees, lunches, or post-work drinks. Employees can also save money on clothing, make-up, and hair stylists because less focus is placed on their attire and physical appearance.

  • Reduction in office politics: Some offices can have dozens, if not hundreds, of employees—leading to potential conflicts and internal office politics, including gossip, micromanagement, and infighting. Working remotely can help mitigate these factors and lead to a more contented and productive workforce overall.

  • Improved work quality: Not only does employee productivity improve in a remote working environment, but their quality of work also increases. With fewer distractions, meetings, and involvement in office politics, employees can better focus on their tasks and produce high-quality work.

From strategic planning and business transformation consultation to technical support and service desk solutions, Line One understands the benefits of working remotely and the challenges of maintaining a productive workforce within an ever-changing global economy. Contact us today for your free custom quote.

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